Plumbing design is rarely considered to be one of the most important facets of industrial design and engineering. Mechanical and electrical systems and building controls usually take precedence.
However, some relatively new trends in industrial plumbing design and engineering are about to change the way we look at plumbing systems. Not only can we improve operational and process controls, but we can help the end user significantly reduce operating costs.
The Most Efficient Plumbing Design Follows Nature’s Lead
Chemists frequently cite an old adage that says, “The solution to pollution is dilution.” In many ways, nature agrees.
The Earth’s natural biospheric recycling systems continually reuse natural resources in a complex and interconnected process of converting waste products back into usable resources. Industrial plumbing engineers and designers have adopted this biospheric approach to improve systems efficiency, reduce water use and eliminate toxic waste.
Industrial Engineering Must Integrate Plumbing Design
The traditional paradigms of industrial engineering held each of the major systems’ disciplines as independent. In other words, mechanical engineers design mechanical systems. Controls engineers design building automation. Electrical and plumbing engineers also designed what were essentially stand-alone systems.
Today, the “whole building” concept provides a theoretical framework that requires all major systems to be integrated into a single whole.
The outcomes of this approach are significant. They include reduced construction costs, shorter build times and huge increases in efficiency. This sustainable approach to industrial engineering relies heavily on plumbing design to facilitate the operational aspects of the other major systems, from fire suppression and HVAC to waste treatment and fluid dynamics controls.
Water Quality and Scarcity Drive Innovative Technology
The third important trend in plumbing design involves the development of high-tech innovations designed to address the diminishing water supply.
As drought spreads across the United States, water hygiene has become a pressing concern. Industrial engineers and plumbing designers must find ways to achieve net-zero use status for water resources. However, they cannot compromise safety or process efficiency, especially in cleanroom design.
In response to these needs, new technology is emerging that relies on automation, controls and internet connectivity to achieve these goals. These innovations are similar to the smart technology currently used in homes and commercial facilities, but on a much larger, more sophisticated scale suitable for complex industrial applications.
The experienced engineering teams of DesignTek Consulting Group LLC take great pride in our knowledge and experience with proven, cutting-edge technology. We are keenly aware of the pressures our clients face to improve efficiency while reducing costs and environmental impact.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can put these and other emerging trends to work for you with advanced industrial and mechanical engineering and plumbing design.